Research Metrics
Information is everything
Richman Property performs rigorous research into property markets to inform our investment decisions. We consider historical data, emerging trends and factors affecting property availability, prices and investment potential. As your crystal ball, we put your money in high-quality properties that earn you a big return.
Established infrastructure
A well-developed infrastructural set-up drives property demand and appreciation. We focus on mature infrastructure that provides stable, long-term returns while also keeping an eye on areas likely to grow in relevance and demand in the future.
Capital growth
The right investment properties produce compound growth and a large fortune over time. Our mission is finding properties that create capital growth. We establish a capital growth bench benchmark and estimate the growth levels that can be reached over the intended duration of time.
Rental yield
Alongside capital growth, the promise of a good rental yield makes property investment even more rewarding. Rental yields vary heavily between property types and locations. We scout urban and suburban areas for properties with strong rental yields.
Evaluating demographic mixes such as population growth, employment opportunities and income changes is essential to find properties that can secure high-quality, long-term tenants. Using neighbourhood and suburb profiles, we pick properties that can drive stable rental returns.
Supply & Demand
We review demand and supply indicators to find areas with the highest demand for rental properties. Listings versus stock getting sold, vacancy rates and auction clearance rates are among the indicators we use to measure supply and demand to a high degree of accuracy.
We utilise property valuation methods to create a high-performing property portfolio. To lower the odds of a weak investment decision, we find comparable properties and understand how costly they are versus the overall return they’re likely to generate.
You're always in the loop
You should know where your money is going and what to expect from your investment. Our market research not only helps us do our work but also educates you so you understand our decisions and are confident in your own. We present the information to you in easy-to-read reports.
Should you do your own research?
Researching property markets and doing due diligence on every property is arduous. For some, the exploration is a thrill but it best reserved for small investments with small returns. Access to bigger, better property usually occurs only through a property investment company.
Set your sights high
Pooling investor capital allows Richman Property to invest in multiple high-quality commercial real estate assets with excellent profit potential. Moreover, we have a strong network of industry professionals – vendors, property managers, leasing agents and national and international brand tenants.
Feel safe and secure in your investment
Our extensive market research is the first step in fructifying our goals of maximising your returns from a portfolio of the finest real estate in Australia. Investment property analysis is carried out by a knowledgeable team that has a finger on the pulse of the Australian real estate market.
The Real Estate Market in Australia is in its Growth Stage
The country’s property market has been growing at a rapid pace. Enthused participation from national and internal investors has expanded commercial and residential property markets. If you’re looking to make your entry, now is as good a time as any.
At the same time, given how the property market moves in cycles, it’s imperative to make the right assessments and calculations to increase your chances of healthy capital appreciation. Use our market research to capitalise on opportunities and make your money work for you.
- Experienced Team
- Proven Results
- Full Transparency
- Experienced Team
- Proven Results
- Full Transparency