Syndicate Developments
Low Risk, High Return Syndicated Property Investment
Property syndication is a popular tool among investors looking to diversify their investment portfolios. If you're interested in using it to generate a passive income stream, we can help. Through our property syndication service, you can more easily invest in high-value real estate. We have helped our clients build diversified portfolios comprising commercial, retail and industrial real estate.

Step one
What is property syndication?
Syndicated property investment allows smaller investors pool their funds to invest in real estate. It is a way to buy new property or invest in the development of new property, and offers benefits such as:
By pooling funds with like-minded investors, you have a shot at investment opportunities that were previously out of your price range. And the larger the property, the greater your returns.
Syndicated property investment is an excellent way to build a diverse investment portfolio to reduce your risk. You can invest in different property types to manage your risk more effectively.
You can start investing sooner with a smaller capital, and allocate the returns from your investment towards another syndicate. The compounding effect that comes into play will grow your portfolio faster.
Syndicated property investment is a great long-term investment solution. After making your initial capital investment, you can sit back and wait for your investment to start paying dividends.
Step two
Choose wisely
Our property selection is based on carefully chosen parameters. A stringent selection process allows us to identify high-value, minimally risky properties.
Take your pick
Syndicated property investment opportunities include office buildings, industrial facilities, and retail centres. You can set up a passive income stream or profit from the sale of a completed development.
Boost cashflow
Our research-backed investment strategies always hit bullseye! Put your money in property that generates a positive cash flow and supports your financial goals.
Reduce risk
Our knowledge and data is yours to leverage in finding properties that are legally sound and lend stability to your portfolio. Invest with the confidence that you’re making the right choice.

Step three
Factors to consider
The factors to review when evaluating syndicated property investment opportunities are:
A syndicate can invest in a new development or an existing property. In the former case, you buy the land, build the units (such as an office or shopping centre) and lease it out. In the latter, you take over an existing property.
Our property syndicate management is overseen by experienced professionals with a demonstrated track-record of helping investors build wealth through this investment strategy. Your money and financial goals are in safe hands.
Real estate syndication can be liquid. Projects can range from a few months to many years for long-term rentals. We can help you be part of a flexible investment project that allows you to get your money out before the investment term.
Factors such as interest rates, projected yield and tenant quality and stability will affect your overall returns. Get all relevant facts and figures in our detailed research reports.
Better safe than sorry! Avoid taking the plunge without consulting your solicitor and an experienced property investment company offering syndicated property investment.
Learn about our other services
Capture the best real estate syndication opportunities
Talk to us to understand in greater detail how syndicated property investment can work for your current situation and financial goals. We’re happy to help you find the right investment strategy for your requirements.
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- Australian operated
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